ProgramProgram ALPHY 2024February 5-6th, Montpellier 30th anniversary edition Day 1 - Monday 5th February
10:00 10:30 Welcome + coffee Session 1: Chairman : Benoit Nabholz 10:30 11:25 Invited speaker : Jonathan Romiguier “Evolutionary genomics and unusual reproductive systems in eusocial insects” 11:25 11:50 Brice Letcher “A role for transposons in the evolution of programmed DNA elimination in Mesorhabditis nematodes” 11:50 12:15 Alba Marino “Effective population size does not explain transposable elements and genome size variation in animals” 12:15 12:40 Tessarotto Hugo “Convergent evolution of sex chromosomes in Palms”
Session 2: Chairwoman : Anna-Sophie Fiston-Lavier 14:00 14:25 Morel Marie “What might the earliest flowers have looked like?” 14:25 14:50 Tesson Florian “How to explore the diversity of antiphage arsenal in prokaryotes?” 14:50 15:15 Carina Mugal “A framework for the study of population-level processes in phylogenetics” 15:15 15:40 Sassolas Fabien “GC-content oscillations linked to nucleosome positioning across eukaryotes” 15:40 16:15 Coffee break - poster session Session 3: Chairwoman : Céline Scornavacca 16:15 16:40 Annabelle Haudry “Relaxed purifying selection is associated with an accumulation of transposable elements in flies” 16:40 17:05 Damien de Vienne “Ghost lineages and the study of gene flow. Bias and opportunities” 17:05 17:30 Nikolai Romashchenko “Alignment-free phylogenetic placement with informative k-mers” 17:30 17:55 Nicolas Galtier “An approximate likelihood method reveals ancient gene flow between human, chimpanzee and gorilla”
Day 2 - Tuesday 6th February Session 4: Chairman : Frédéric Delsuc 9:50 10:15 Mathilde Barthe “Museomic challenges to delimit the nine-banded armadillo species complex” 10:15 10:40 Coffee break - poster session
Session 5: Chairman : Michael Fontaine 10:40 11:05 Riffis Marie “Analysis of compensatory evolution following gBGC events using whole-exome phylogenetic analysis in Murinae” 11:05 11:30 Julien Joseph “High prevalence of PRDM9-independent hotspots in placental mammals” 11:30 11:55 Daunesse Maëlle “Phylogenetic modeling of gene expression shifts in the mole-rat clade” 12:20 12:40 An Hyerin “Smaller chromosomes exhibit denser transposable elements with less efficient purifying selection in Lepidoptera” 12:40 13:45 Lunch
Session 6: Chairwoman : Sèverine Berard 14:10 14:35 Yves Clement “The effect of chromosomal rearrangements on base composition evolution in mammals” 14:35 15:00 Margaux Lefebvre “Unraveling the complex and uncertain journey of Plasmodium vivax malaria in the Americas: a genomic perspective” 15:00 15:25 Laurent Guéguen “Using substitution mapping to detect branch-site positive selection” 15:25 15:50 Stéphane Guindon “Velocity of evolving lineages” 15:50 16:15 Closing words
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